
We're restarting again and will be consistent this time around.

Hi guys, it has been three years since our last newsletter. A lot has changed since then. My apologies for the silence. Work was hectic as my digital agency grew from just websites to websites and ads. I got married, became a father and got involved in WordCamp Asia 2023 and WordCamp Malaysia 2023.

Ever since WordCamp Asia, I've been thinking of restarting, but I wanted to get it right. Since stepping down as moderator of the Martech Wise Facebook Group, I considered what content I should focus on.

While there are sites, newsletters and Facebook Groups dedicated solely on WordPress or Lifetime Deals or SEO, I don't want to focus on those alone. Instead, I'm most effective in helping people who dabble with digital marketing and WordPress.

Interestingly, that user persona fits most of my clients. They might know some digital marketing but not in-depth enough to grow their business. They might know how to use the page builder to edit content on their sites, but are not familiar with the more advanced things of WordPress.

Moving forward, I'll publish consistently every Wednesday. Thanks to the digital agency business which helps me sustain my family, I can focus my time on writing and creating content.

Do email me if you have any content or software you would like me to look at and feature on the newsletter and site. Curated Weekly Digest  


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