
Welcome to our 1st Issue of WPStarters Weekly
Hello there and welcome to our first curated newsletter. It will be published every Friday and feature a bunch of articles from around the web covering topics such as WordPress, SEO, Digital Marketing Tools and Lifetime Deals.
Our blog will run as usual as will feature our in-house news, reviews, guides and tips on all things WordPress and Digital Marketing.

Introducing the Simplest Header Footer Builder with Astra!
Getting your page headers right has been difficult. I remember browsing through numerous ThemeForest themes in order to find one with the header and blog archive that suit my client's needs.
Hot on the foot of KadenceWP, Astra has now released a powerful header and footer builder on their theme.

EmbedPress Update: How To Fix Instagram Or Facebook Embed Issues In WordPress - WPDeveloper
If you have embedded Facebook or Instagram to your WordPress site, you might notice that your embeds are broken. EmbedPress just released a major update to fix the issue.
p/s: EmbedPress still has a lifetime agency tier

Introducing: Live Responsive Editing - Stackable
One of the best premium Gutenberg blocks just got a massive update. Stackable now comes with live responsive editing, which brings designing on Gutenberg to the next level.
Recommended Articles

The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation in 2020
Getting leads to our sites is difficult. That's why we turn to lead generation. The guide by Convertful on Lead Generation in 2020 is insightful and great for people starting out on lead generation.

How to Filter Search Results in WordPress With Toolset and Elementor
Toolset is one of the most powerful plugins for WordPress with its ability to create filterable custom post types. In this guide below, WPMayor shows us how to harness the power of Toolset with Elementor.

SEO Ranking Drop: Does Website Security Affect Your SEO? - WebARX
Did you know that your SEO is affected by your site's security? In this article, WebARX Security shows us why SEO and website security is related and how to prevent malicious attacks on your site.
p/s: We are using WebARX with all our clients on a Care Plan with us
How to use WordPress with Amazon S3? - Chris Lema
Getting your site's digital assets hosted on Amazon S3 followed by leveraging on AWS CloudFront will help you reduce page load and perhaps server costs in the long run. But we don't want to write code nor do those 42 steps configuration (which is easy to mess up). As such, check out Chris Lema's article on how to use WordPress with Amazon S3